The Airborne Public Safety Association and Forensic Mapping Solutions
Have Partnered To Conduct A Pix4D 2-Day Virtual Training Event.
Pix4D is the leading photogrammetry software for drone mapping, transforming images into 2D and 3D digital evidence. This virtual 2-day course will provide attendees the necessary instruction to successfully process a crash or crime scene using aerial photogrammetry with Pix4D Mapper software. This training provides a "crash/crime scene to courtroom" workflow utilizing Pix4D generated orthomosaic images and point cloud data in the most common third party software. Use of the Pix4D Capture Application will also be reviewed and discussed. A 15 day full access Pix4D Mapper license will be provided to each student. Course is ACTAR approved for 16 CEUs.
NOTE: We must have at least ten (10) paid registrants by April 1st for this course to occur.
REGISTRATION | APSA Individual Member: $395 / APSA Non-Member: $450
Official Website: 2021 Pix4D Training : ONLINE (