The Helicopter Airborne Sensor Operator

The Helicopter Airborne Sensor Operator

ASOG 2022 Focus Area | News & Information

Shared By | Astrid Ayling, AV Buyer Magazine (Image - Airborne Technologies GmbH)

When someone says ‘Helicopter’, you think of Pilot, Loadmaster, Hoist Operator – right? However, there is a crew position many don't think of, which is equally important within the rotor-wing community. This crew position or profession is the Airborne Sensor Operator (ASO). Even though you’ll see Airborne Sensor Operators operate across the spectrum of aircraft from wide-body jets to Lighter-than-Air (LTA) platforms. The ASO’s contribution to the Aerial Work rotor-wing workforce has expanded tenfold since the beginning of the digital revolution in the 1970s… To read more, see The Helicopter Airborne Sensor Operator

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