Striving to Optimize

Striving to Optimize

Post from: Grant Reid

Interesting report for those that enjoy how we got to where we are, and particularly why we did what we did.

Top EO/IR Technology, Platforms and Uses by the U.S. DOD 

As a Sensor Operator, we are always striving to optimize the equipment to get as much out of it as we possibly can. I am always impressed by the ingenuity a line Operator has over an instructor that deals with a rigid training system designed to ensure 'every Operator does this the same way, so they get the same expected result. Once in the field, it is a different story. When I was but a young Naval Aviator (no, I didn't know Admiral Nelson when he was a Lt), our Det Commander used to have a tactics round table every week. I continued that same line with all my Padawan to get them to realize that the manual is not the Bible, but a book of not so sutle hints on what the system is capable of; if you put your mind to it. The worse thing that could happen is you need to do a power dump to reset to defaults.

As the Training Supervisor here at L3 WESCAM, I know that all of our instructors get excited when they meet Operators that believe they have reinvented the wheel. Please think logically and say to yourself, "if I do this, I should be able to see this......". Then try it and record your results under as many environmental conditions as you can. And Logic would dictate that you not do this during a mission. Saying, Grant, said to try it won't cut it during the hotwash with the JTAC holding a club with your name on it.

That is all for today. I'll randomly send things down the Pipe as I get them. When I get things on MatriX C130 and MatriX UH60 or updates on the MX 8, i'll let you know.

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  • Grant, great observations. I too, really enjoy seeing my students get the basics from the manuals and repetition- but when we brainstorm scenarios from their missions and run them on the simulator, you find out that there are sometimes better and faster ways to skin the cat. I learn a lot from my trainees, and they help me create better content and scenarios. Hopefully someday we cross paths!!! Thanks for the article.

  • From Wayne Dahlke:

    Nice one, Grant! Do you work with the desktop simulator at all, or is all of your work flying?

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