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Source | ASOG Desk Editor
The ASOG Airborne Mission Management Systems & Sensors Course, held from May 30 to May 31, 2024, in Wiener Neustadt, Austria, provided participants with an intensive and comprehensive learning experience. With a diverse group of instructors from ASOG, FlySight, Centum, Safran, and Smith Myers, the course aimed to enhance the skills of Airborne Sensor Operators (ASO) and non-rated aircrew. This special report summarizes the key takeaways and highlights the impact of the training.
Day 1 Highlights
The first training day set the stage with foundational lectures and networking opportunities.
Opening Session - The day began with sign-in, coffee, and refreshments, allowing participants to network. Patrick Ryan (ASOG), Mattia Carpin (FlySight), and Georg DeCock (Airborne Technologies – Facility Host) welcomed the attendees, setting a collaborative tone.
Airborne Sensor Operators Work Environment – George DeCock (Airborne Technologies) provided an outstanding lecture on fundamental working challenges, principles, and practices related to Airborne Sensor Operators. George's lecture included everything from past, present, and future perspectives blended with informative case studies and examples.
Mission Management Systems - Mattia Carpin (FlySight) introduced the theory of mission management systems and associated sensors. The session provided insights into integrating and applying technologies like EO IR radar and mobile phone detection with AI mission management systems.
EO/IR (EOS) Systems – Rolland Frederic (Safran-Defense) provided a lecture highlighting the technology and capabilities of EO/IR (EOS) systems. The lecture covered the basic science of EOS and the components that make up any airborne EOS.
Mobile Phone Detection Systems - The lecture by Sindo Recimil (Centum-LifeSeeker) on the basic science behind mobile phone detection systems, using LifeSeeker as a case study, was particularly enlightening.
Mission Planning and Sensor Management - In the afternoon, Mattia Carpin covered mission planning, task assignment, and using the OPENSIGHT Mission Console, emphasizing augmented reality and data fusion.
Practical Applications - Ewan MacDonald from Smith Myers discussed the role of mobile phone detection in multi-mission operations, highlighting real-world applications in SAR and firefighting using ARTEMIS as a case study.
Day's End Review - Patrick Ryan concluded the day with a review session, preparing participants for Day 2.
The day ended with a social and networking event sponsored by FlySight, fostering connections among 20 ASOG local area members, course attendees, and guests. Additionally, the ASOG staff provided abundant refreshments and lunches throughout each training day.
Day 2 Highlights
The second day focused on hands-on practice and deeper exploration of airmanship principles.
Airborne Sensor Operators Work Environment – George DeCock continued his lecture on the work environment of an ASO.
Training Laboratory – Probably the highlight of the course, participants engaged in practical sessions, rotating through four training stations:
- Cell Phone Locator System (Centum - LifeSeeker)
- Mission Management System (FlySight)
- EO/IR Sensor (Safran-Defense)
- Cell Phone Locator System (Smith Myers)
These sessions provided hands-on experience, allowing participants to apply theoretical knowledge in simulated environments.
Closing Session - The course concluded with a comprehensive review, a survey to gather participant feedback, and closing remarks by the instructors.
Key Takeaways
- Enhanced Skills and Knowledge - Participants gained a thorough understanding of mission management systems, sensor management, and mobile phone detection technologies.
- Practical Experience - The training laboratory sessions were valuable, providing practical, hands-on experience.
- Networking and Collaboration - The training's social events and collaborative nature fostered valuable professional connections.
Participant Feedback
Feedback from the participants was overwhelmingly positive. Many highlighted the instructors' depth of knowledge and practical applicability of the skills learned. One participant noted, "The hands-on sessions were incredibly beneficial, providing real-world applications to the theoretical knowledge we gained."
Future Applications
The skills and knowledge acquired during this course directly apply to various operations, including search and rescue, firefighting, and intelligence gathering. Integrating advanced sensor technologies and mission management systems will undoubtedly enhance operational effectiveness in these areas.
The Airborne Mission Management Systems & Sensors Course was a resounding success, providing participants with valuable knowledge, practical skills, and professional connections. The ASOG Team looks forward to seeing the positive impact of this training on future operations and is excited about the continued advancements in airborne mission management technology.
To conclude, this course would not have happened if it was not for the support of ASOG volunteers (Tanja Wimmer-Ryan, Benjamin Kabelik, Patrick Ryan), our core Sponsors FlySight (Marina Ghidotti, Mattia Caprin), Airborne Technologies (Katrin Gruber, George DeCock) and their partners Smith Myer (Ewan MacDonald, Peter Myers, Andrew Munro), Safran-Defense (Frederic Rolland), Centum-LifeSeeker (Sindo Recimil)…and without a doubt the students who attended! It was a great learning experience for everyone!
Sponsors & Partners
Hi Georg,
Thank you. Also, thank you for joining the instructor team. Your lectures were spot on!!!! What is our next course?
Acting ASOG Desk Editor
Hi Patrick,
Great summary of a full week of events, speeches, TwinOtter flights, brain storming, food and drink, and above all a family and camaraderie atmosphere found nowhere else in the world.... This wasnt an exhibition or a show but an airborne operator family gathering! Congrats to Brynn and Patrick and their crew for yet another unforgettable happening. GJD-Toulouse