ASOG 2022 Focus Area: Industry Support
Posted By: ASOG Desk Editor
Besides sensors, it's great to have a new corporate supporter who’s goal is to provide the technology that delivers the sensor data directly to the end-user. We are beyond delighted to announce – SVP Aerospace – is now a new ASOG Corporate Supporter.
If you didn’t know, SVP Aerospace provides SVP Broadcast Microwave is a company engaged in the design and manufacturing of Microwave radio links for Security applications with a large trajectory and experience. The company was founded in 1992 in Spain and currently has its products operating in more than 50 countries. SVP equipment and systems are being used by Security departments all around the world, with the company established in the international market for over 25 years.
According to Juan Burgos, CEO of SVP Aerospace, “The newest requirements for the surveillance industry is to use both the new generation DVB-T2 RF downlink technology and the 3G/4G LTE capability to provide extremely reliable coverage. We also transmit up to four HD video channels on a single RF frequency - we expect this technology to become a standard\in the government video transmission requirements.”
If you want to learn more about SVP Aerospace and their products, check them out on the ASOG Corporate Supporter page (clicking their Logo). – OR - You can "Friend" Juan Burgos or Nerea Paz and send them a message via the ASOG e-mail service.
Excellent news JUAN ANTONIO BURGOS and Nerea Paz Pérez Thank you for becoming members and ASOG Corporate Supporter. Also, great job Georg J DeCock