ASOG 2022 Focus Area | Education & Training
Posted By | ASOG Desk Editor
We’re proud to announce the Airborne Sensor Operators Group aircrew association completed its first-ever training event. Participants worldwide came together to learn something new and network with fellow aircrew members from across the spectrum of the commercial, public safety, and defense flying sectors. In this case, it was at the ASOG EO/IR Flight Operations course. In a series of presentations, simulator exercises, and roundtable discussions, attendees learned about operating an aerial Electro-Optical/InfraRed (EO/IR) sensor system and non-rated aircrew best practices. The ASOG EO/IR Flight Operation course took place at the Airborne Technologies facility in Wiener Neustadt, Austria, 9-10 June 2022.
The ASOG EO/IR Flight Operations course was sponsored by Airborne Technologies GmbH, who contributed their staff, simulator, and facilities to ensure the course was a success. Senior Airborne Technologies Instructor David Clarke spent the first training day concentrated on the basic operating principles of an EO/IR system and how to apply them to real-world situations using recorded videos, followed by hands-on simulator exercises on day two.
Other highlights of the 2-day course included a live demonstration of a simulated search & rescue operation using the ARTEMIS mobile phone locator system and SHOT OVER imagery unit. Plus, a tour of Airborne Technologies facilities with an educational emphasis on how to turn a general aviation airplane into a certified special mission aircraft.
In his introduction, Patrick Ryan, ASOG President, opened the course and highlighted the importance of the ASOG Association and the need for training & education in the continuous evolution of the ASO profession. He also emphasized the Association’s focus on aviation safety, improving aerial sensing operations, and supporting non-rated aircrew career opportunities. Additionally, Patrick stressed the need for the Association to work closely with industry, which is part of the ASO eco-system, that provides the platforms & systems ASOs work with or utilize Airborne Sensor Operators in their everyday operations.
Patrick says, “Because of the separation from COVID in the last few years, it was great to realize once again how much personal contact boosts the positive effect of networking and learning something new as a group.” Moreover, “I want to thank everyone involved in this event. By coming together as a professional association and community, we took a big step in moving forward as a non-profit aircrew association with a defined set of objectives and the activities required to achieve them.”
Scheduled Future ASOG Events
- ASOG Conference & Networking Event: EUROPEAN ROTOR 2022 - VTOL show and Safety Conference, Sponsored by EUROPEAN ROTOR (More information to follow)
Tentative Future ASOG Events
- ASOG Training Event: Paris, France, Sponsored by Lumensea
- ASOG Training Event: Kranj, Slovenia, Sponsored by Flycom Technologies d.o.o.
Thank you George! As we talked about, the next event is going to happen at EUROPEAN ROTORS 2022. The VTOL conference & show organizer is sponsoring ASOG to conduct an ASOG Conference & Meet-Up event.
Congrats on a job well done. Love the idea of sharing the course in different places/countries with a local sponsor. Even large entities (police dept, gendarmerie, coast guard, etc.) could be interested to be sponsors and invite their own personnel plus local users. Goooo ASOG !!