Can You Identify the Sensors?

Can You Identify the Sensors?

Here’s a new challenge for the group. Can you identify the sensors below? The winner or winners will get the honor of being ASOG’s “Top Sensor” for June 2019! So, do you have the right stuff to take this challenge on?

Sensor - A:

Sensor - B:

Sensor - C:

Sensor - D:

Bonus Point – What WWII Allied camera?


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  • Richard, you're right...he taught you well. Remind me next time we RZ, I'll buy you a drink for being Top Sensor!

  • Thanks Patrick, One of my former emplyees was an ex-image analyst for the RAF and he was mad keen on the history of imagery and sensors so he taught me well!

  • Richard, Wow…Clean sweep! Especially the last sensor question. I thought most members would roll-over on the F-24 image/question/sensor. Congrats, you’re June ASOG’s “Top Sensor!”

  • I'm a bit late to this but I would say:

    a - ViDAR

    b - IMSAR probably nsp 5

    c - Riegel LiDAR 

    d - Microsoft Ultracam

    e - An F24 reconnaissance camera

  • Cool Gustavo...going for "Top Sensor" again! I'm not going to say anything yet...try to ID the others...Do you have the right stuff :)

  • Sensor C is the Riegl LiDAR scanner VUX-1LR

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