ASOG 2020 Focus Areas: General
Very interesting. It was great to see the participation and honest answers. Thank you to those who contributed. Both the poll and quiz questions & answers are great to get a better understanding of our specific profession and feedback to members on areas for improvement. So, take a look below and see what you think.
Also, if you missed last month’s Poll & Quiz questions, you’ll have a shot at April’s questions. Just jump over to the Poll & Quiz tab and click away!
March 2020 POLL:
Certification & Accreditation - Should civil ASOs (outside of military institutions) be certified or rated?
- Yes – 67%
- No – 33%
- Other (tell us in the comments section) - 0%
Aerial Remote Sensing Industry – (As of 1 April) How will COVID-19 effect the Aerial Remote Sensing Industry (Commercial, Public Safety and Defense) and ASO jobs in 2020?
- It will greatly affect it in a negative way - 14%
- It will slightly affect it in a negative way - 57%
- No affect - 14%
- It will slightly affect it in a positive way - 0%
- It will greatly affect it in a positive way - 14%
- Other (tell us in the comments section) - 0%
Safety / CRM - Does your organization consider ASOs as aircrew and do they apply Crew Resource Management (CRM) appropriately?
- Yes - 43%
- No - 57%
- Other (tell us in the comments section) - 0%
Professional Classification - What role or position within a civil/commercial manned aircraft flight crew does an Airborne Sensor Operator belong?
- Flight-Deck Crew (Pilot, Navigator, Flight Engineer etc.) - 100%
- Cabin Crew (Flight Attendant, Paramedic etc.) - 0%
- Passenger - 0%
- Other (tell us in the comments section) - 0%
Professional Classification - Is “Airborne Sensor Operator” a profession, i.e., in line with other aviation career fields, e.g., Pilot, Flight Engineer, Flight Attendant, etc.?
- Yes - 83%
- No - 17%
- Other (tell us in the comments section) - 0%
- Comment: I voted no because you have career flyers in the industry, and non-career flyers such as JTACs, TACPs, or others being brought in as ASOs without the history of crew concept, handling emergencies, CRM and how it applies in an aircraft. If there were an established guideline and pipeline to hire from rather than the cool handshake club route then i would say it's in line with pilots, flight engineers. Due to the lack of Aviation and aircrew experience and exposure by these non-career flyers then it is not in line with those listed.
March 2020 QUIZ:
Passive Sensors Systems and Capabilities – What sensor is not considered a passive sensor?
- Imaging radiometer - 0%
- Spectrometer - 20%
- Scatterometer - 80%
- Accelerometer - 0%
Meteorology – On a clear summer day, turbulence caused by solar heating is most pronounced:
- Immediately after sunset. - 0%
- During the early afternoon. - 100%
- During early morning hours before sunrise. - 0%
- About midmorning. - 0%
Active Sensors Systems and Capabilities - LiDAR _____________to see under trees, when acquiring elevation data using remote sensing data collected from above the Earth’s surface (e.g., airplanes or sat)
- Does not have the ability - 100%
- Does have the ability - 0%
- Other (tell us in the comment section) - 0%
Flight & Airfield Operations - In aviation, what is an ILS?
- Incandescent Lighting System - 0%
- International Loading System - 0%
- Instrument Landing System - 100%
- Immediate Launch System - 0%
Electro-Magnetic Spectrum - Which of the following is correct in order of lowest to highest frequency?
- X-rays, Visible Light, Microwave - 20%
- Ultraviolet, Visible Light, Gamma-rays - 20%
- Microwave, Visible Light, Gamma-rays - 60%
If you’re interested in contributing a question for either the ASOG Poll or Quiz, please e-mail it to
ASOG Desk Editor (Patrick Ryan)