ASOG 2019 Focus Areas: Career, Professional Development, Trends
For those ASOG members who are currently engaged in changing jobs, the following are some 2019 trends that might help you with your resume writing. Since ASOG came about, I personally (besides other ASOGer’s) have reviewed a good number of members resumes and CVs with an eye on current trends, I think the following are just a few major trends to take note of:
• 2 x Resumes: Plan to write two types of resumes. 1 x resume for humans and 1 x resume for machines. You want to have one resume that is graphical & hip and one that looks like it came from the 90s. Your initial mission is to influence both fronts. Have a resume that you can give to someone within your network or at a trade show etc. and one that will feed into an Applicant Tracking System (ATS). You’ll see many mid-size to large-size companies and organizations use ATS, especially if you’re applying directly to a job posting online.
• 3 x Resumes: After you’ve setup your 2 x basic formats and if you have more than one qualification, i.e., ASO, Instructor, Operations Manager, Analysis, Business Developer, etc., plan to develop a specific resume for that qualification.
• 4 x Plus Resumes: Now that you have your templets ready. Plan to edit and target those resumes to your specific audience or job postings. Ensure you research each company/job posting and identify the specific requirements or verbiage when doing this.
• Right Up Front: As early as possible in your resume (after “Profile”) you want to show the reader 3 to 4 milestone achievements that relate to the job and not scattered around in different sections. What I’ve been recommending is this formula:
Formula: Qualification / Skill + Project + Results = Accomplishment.
Format: “Proven Training Manager - Coordinated ten advanced Airborne Sensor Operator training events for Acme Aerospace which saved over $80,000 (20% under budget) and certified over 50 students to safely and effectively conduct global aerial remote-sensing operations.”
• Don’t Cram: This long recommended trend is still relevant, don’t cram every detail of your career into two pages. A stuffed resume is hard to read and navigate, which means it’s never going to communicate the information that the hiring manager wants to see in a quick scan. Focus your information to the specifics of the job you’re targeting and the benefits you’ll bring to the hiring organization.
• Match Pair: If you have an online profile, e.g., LinkedIn, make sure there’re no major mismatches of information, i.e., past experiences, dates, profile header, etc. If there’s any mismatch of information, it might cause confusion or red flags for the person interested in you…” Clarity & consistence is a good thing.”
Again, this is just a quick note on a few current resume writing trends that might help you navigate the job search terrain and land that dream job. If you’ve seen other trends, speak up, that’s why ASOG exist, i.e., share current trends from technology, aerial remote-sensing application to careers.
Happy hunting & fly safe!
Author: ASOG Career Center (Patrick Ryan)