Alpha, Bravo, Charlie – How Copy!

Alpha, Bravo, Charlie – How Copy!

ASOG 2019 Focus Areas – Tactics, Techniques, Tips and Procedures

I know I keep saying “It’s just not a Pilot responsibility,” but I have to say it again. There’re many regulatory responsibilities, and actions pilots are required to know and conduct that Airborne Sensor Operators should have at least a working knowledge. In this case, it’s radio operations. As many of us know, radio operations are a critical part of aviation and the aerial work environment. As a professional crewmember, especially in the civil/commercial aerial remote-sensing sector, it’s important to be skilled in how to operate radios and communicating with others in the flying environment. Having this skill will maximize your utility, situational awareness and value during any flight operation.

So, if you’re new to the profession or you’ve been acting like a passenger and making your fellow crewmember the pilot fly solo, make it a point to train up. To get you started, here’s a collection of useful links that will give you a professional level of knowledge and capability to help you aviate, navigate, and communicate with your fellow crewmembers:

AOPA Radio Communications and ATC (Online Course / Free / Registration required)

Talking to Air Traffic Control | Radio Basics | ATC Communications (Video / Free)


PlaneEnglish - The Aviation Radio Simulator (App / Subscription)


ASOG Desk Editor (Patrick)

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