Airborne Sensor Operators, What’s In Your Log Book?

Are you logging your flight time? If not, you should be!

As a professional aviator and aerial sensor operator, it doesn’t matter what type of aerial platform you fly, be it fixed or rotary wing, manned or unmanned, tethered or free flight, you should be logging your flight time. It’s not just a pilot thing!

As a professional aircrew member, you should track your flight time because it represents you as a professional aviator, documents your skill set, and reflects your personality. It is attention to detail.  Even if airborne sensing is a secondary duty (your primary job is an archeologist, utility-line inspector, research scientist, etc. but fly & sense regularly to support that primary job), you should be logging your flight time.

First, it shows accountability and competence. Your logbook demonstrates and documents how many hours and experiences you have under your belt. It shows others you know your profession, and that you’re a competent aircrew member with a solid foundation. It can help in gaining access to training and certification programs, support your employers grant or contract proposals with solid data, or assist in documenting potential legal matters relating to flight mishaps or equipment damage. You have physical evidence that you are a competent, professional aircrew member that knows what you are doing.

Second, as a professional aviator, you need this for career development and self-evaluation.  As a doctor friend of mine once said, “If you didn’t write it down, it never happened”.  Having a log assists in tracking of upcoming requirements (flight physical exams, check-rides, annual training), as well as providing the 5 W’s (Who, What, Where, When, and Why) of the mission. Additionally, it will help you to record any training you have accomplished (be it certification or OJT) regarding aircraft, sensors, TTP (Tactics, Techniques & Procedures), communication systems, and data processing hardware/software systems. By writing it down, a log provides a well-documented, official record to help you to compare your current level of experience & knowledge against current trends in your industry sector, identify potential gaps in training or experience, and provide a roadmap for your professional development.

Finally, it can help you get promoted at your current job or help you find a new position! Having a professional ASO flight log will help you communicate in a factual way to your current and future employers that you’re the right person for the job. It showcases you as a professional aviator and sensor operator quantitatively defines your skill set, and reinforces your professional personality. Having a well-maintained flight log will help you when it comes time to prepare annual evaluations in your current job or write your resume or CV. If your log is current, it makes it that much easier to write that evaluation or job winning resume or CV.

Now that we talked about the “why ” let’s talk about the “what” and “how” of logging your flight information, what information should be in your log book?

Since the ASO profession lacks formalization, there is no set global “standard” on “what” is required in an ASO Aircrew Log Book. My recommendations, based on field experience are:

  • Record of Flight Physicals, Medical Exams, and Altitude Chamber (if required)

  • Record of Qualifications and Renewals (Check rides, Instructor certifications)

  • Other required annual training (CRM, Risk Management, Survival, etc.)

  • Record of Flying Hours

  • Flight Date

  • Takeoff and Landing times

  • Flight Location (Arrival/Departure airfields, working area)

  • Aircraft Type & Registration

  • Aircrew Duties & Position (Mission op, Instructor, Evaluator)

  • Flight Details (Mission type, Day/Night, Weather conditions, etc.)

  • Sensor & Systems Details (Type sensor, Data-Links, etc.)

  • PIC/Other Crewmembers

  • Comments & Notes

  • Flight Hours (mission and cumulative)

  • Summary of Monthly and Grand Totals

Again, if you have any other recommendations from experience, please share with the group.

Now that we have an outline of what to record, the final question is “how.” Like I said before, the aviation community has not invested much in our profession; We are defining it as we go. There are not many “off-the-shelf” products (paper or electronic) available for ASO use. For now, use a pilot or generic aircrew log and manipulate the categories to meet your needs, or produce an excel spreadsheet. The situation is not optimal, but for now, it gets the job done.

However, I would like to challenge the ASOG community to do better. If you ever had a dream of publishing a book or developing an app, here’s your chance to fill a need. Now that there’s a growing group of us, I would think a smart and energetic individual could produce a paper and electronic product focused on the ASO professional community. If someone does, let me know, we’ll use the ASOG network to get the word out. Plus, we could even beta-test it for you! What do you think?

Are you logging your flight time and experiences? If you’re not writing it down, it never happened.


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  • Hi Georg,

    Wow...interesting idea. What do others in the group think? Speaking of this and, since there's no ICAO or universal standard telling us we can't...what do you think of a "ASO; Senior ASO; Master ASO" rating program?


  • You're right: if it isn't recorded, it never happened.

    I think since we're on the subject of logging ops hours: why not start a ASO Frequent Flyer list based on the honor system. I'm sure there's people out there with 12,000hrs+ of airborne operational experience!  

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