Airborne Mine Field Detection – Experimental or Operational?

ASOG 2019 Focus Area: Technology Trends and Application

Maybe some of you might find this interesting. I came across this PPT briefing (see below) the other day when researching a different topic. The briefing reviews four different airborne de-mining trial projects. It’s a bit dated (1996 to 2004); however, it was interesting to see the testing process of how aerial remote sensing could support this requirement, i.e., airborne mine field detection. Speaking of dated, does anyone know if any of these projects have gone beyond test and experimental?

M. Bajic, Aerial survey for mine action: the paradigm, validation, recommendations for standardization, Workshop Inventory and analysis of operationally validated results related to mine action space -and airborne surveys, Scientific Council HCR and CTRO Ltd., Zagreb, Croatia, 30 November 2005.


ASOG Desk Editor (Patrick)

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