A Guide to ASO Training – Everything You Need To Know

If you're a newly assigned ASO supervisor or you've been given the opportunity to train new Airborne Sensor Operators from scratch, but you're not sure how to get started or organized, here is a good starting point for you to properly train the next generation of operators.

ASOG Focus Area | Education & Training

Source | ASOG Training Center

First, an ASO training plan should provide comprehensive instruction to individuals operating sensors aboard aircraft, often for surveillance, data collection, monitoring, or mapping tasks. Additionally, it should continuously reinforce aviation safety principles and best operating practices.

Secondly, an ASO training plan should not focus on a few specific job tasks or just teaching a checklist without explanation; instead, it should focus on producing a well-rounded ASO aircrew member. So, if you want to train "top-notch" operators, here's a recommended outline for a comprehensive Airborne Sensor Operator training plan:

  1. Introduction to Airborne Sensors - Understand…
  • The different types of sensors used in aviation (LiDAR, cameras, infrared, etc.).
  • The role and importance of ASOs in various industries (e.g., aerial surveying, law enforcement, environmental monitoring).
  1. Sensor Technology and Systems - Understand or Know…
  • Specific sensor technologies, including how they work, their data collection methods, and data output formats.
  • Sensor components, calibration methods, and maintenance requirements.
  1. Aviation Fundamentals - Understand…
  • Basic aviation concepts, including flight dynamics, aerodynamics, and aircraft systems.
  • Aviation terminology and communication procedures.
  1. Aeronautical Knowledge – Understand…
  • Aviation regulations and safety protocols relevant to sensor operation.
  • Airspace classifications, NOTAMs, and aviation navigation.
  1. Pre-Flight Preparation – Understand…
  • Pre-flight planning, including mission objectives, sensor configuration, and safety considerations.
  • Weather forecasts and potential impacts on sensor operations.
  1. On-Board Equipment Setup - Understand…
  • Hands-on instruction on setting up sensors, configuring data collection parameters, and ensuring proper alignment.
  • Power requirements and interfacing with aircraft systems.
  1. In-Flight Operation – Understand…
  • Operating sensors during flight, including managing data acquisition, adjusting settings, and ensuring data quality.
  • Work effectively with pilots and other crew members.
  1. Sensor Data Management and Processing – Understand…
  • Data management techniques for sensor-generated data.
  • Basic data processing concepts, including data formatting, georeferencing, and quality control.
  1. Flight Safety and Emergency Procedures – Understand…
  • Flight safety protocols during sensor operations.
  • Emergencies and equipment malfunctions and how to prepare for and respond.
  • First Aid protocols.
  • Aircrew Survival practices.
  1. Navigation and Geospatial Concepts – Understand…
  • GPS systems, navigation principles, and georeferencing techniques.
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the integration of sensor data.
  1. Data Interpretation and Analysis (Domain-Specific) – Understand…
  • Domain-specific instruction on interpreting and analyzing sensor data for specific applications (e.g., environmental monitoring, agriculture, mapping).
  1. Legal and Ethical Considerations – Understand…
  • Legal requirements, privacy concerns, and ethical considerations related to sensor operation, data collection, and sharing.
  1. Communication Skills – Understand…
  • Communication with pilots, mission coordinators, and other team members during flight operations.
  • To provide clear and accurate reports on sensor data.
  1. Practical Flight Training – Understand and participate in…
  • Hands-on flight sessions with instructors, during which trainees operate sensors in real-world scenarios.
  • Practice in different flight conditions and mission types.
  1. Post-Training Assessment – Understand, Evaluate and Identify…
  • Trainees' ability to operate sensors safely and effectively.
  • Areas for improvement and ongoing training needs.
  1. Certification and Proficiency Test (if applicable) – Provide…
  • A proficiency test to assess trainees' skills and knowledge.
  • Certificates upon successful completion of training.


Remember that this training plan can be customized based on the specific sensors, aircraft, industries, and regulations applicable to the training program. Real-world scenarios, practical exercises, and exposure to actual equipment are crucial for ensuring that Airborne Sensor Operators are well-prepared for their responsibilities.

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